So well said! I agree with Mickey--economic response and verbal response must come with lightning speed. Social media cannot become the safe harbor for every hater. Facebook, Discord, and other outlets have clearly not lived up to their responsibility to call hate out. They have allowed hate to fester. The cavalry to the rescue is that all media must come under the jurisdiction of the FCC. Expensive lawsuits may very well be the defensive weapon of choice. --RE

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Yes! I am so glad that Kyre's lame nonappology wasn't accepted or his money. Good for them. It also took WAAAAAYYYYY too long for Adidas, etc to drop Ye. This behavior is unacceptable, and being anti semitic still seems to be the one accepted, racist predjuice that's allowed.

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The blatant anti Semitism of both Irving and West were to deliberately blame Jews for something that they (Irving and West) knew they had nothing to do with. This was done to objectivize all Jews as convenient scapegoats while demonizing all 15 million Jews in the world. Given the money and success that Irving and West have they should express remorse and shame at their actions.

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